16 June 2011

Week 4 - oh wait...nothing happened

Seriously, nothing happened last week.  I wrote, I went to the archive, I didn't even do anything on the weekend but read and go to the archive.  It was a sad, sad week.

However, I have decided to undertake a new experiment while I'm over here in Germany.  My love for German breads, meats and cheeses is no secret, but lately I've realized that German yogurt is just as awesome.  You might be asking, "What do you mean?  Isn't yogurt the same everywhere?"  And that is where you would be wrong.

So....starting today I will be posting a yogurt a day (or at least I'll try to....we'll see how many different yogurt flavors I can find).  I've already had some amazing yogurt, but didn't get a chance to take any photos or write about them, so I'll have to buy them again, and test them out again.....what a hardship, right?  tee hee

Anyway, be on the lookout for reviews of various flavors and brands of German yogurt.  I'm so excited!!

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