Stern is a small place that you would probably walk right past if you didn't know it was there. But then again, there are a lot of places like that in small towns in Europe. The inside area is very small, but they also have a back patio, which seats many more people. Though with as cold as it's been lately I don't know if you could pay me to eat out on the patio.
From what I've eaten there, they have very tasty food, but the best part about Stern is their lunch menu. Every day they have two dishes that they offer on their Tagesmenü which is available online. (I'm pretty sure that at least one, if not both, are vegetarian, but you'd want to check that if it's important to you.) The meal comes with a small drink and a salad for 6 Euros, which is a pretty good deal. In addition, if you want coffee or espresso after your meal, it's only 1 Euro more. While the food is more expensive than the Mensa, it's also better quality. I wouldn't go there every day, but for a break from making your own meals and eating in the Mensa it's definitely a good option.
It's also a bar in the evenings, and they have drink specials posted on the chalkboards outside the restaurant as well as inside. I have yet to go there in the evenings, but I'll update the info if I do. They have a sister restaurant named Unckel up by the university, that I have yet to visit, but they supposedly have good pizzas. I'll report back once I've ventured on over.
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