So I've spent the better part of the day in the library. Not the main library, but the library for Modern Languages - aka die neuphilologische Bibliothek.
It's a nice and quiet library. They have WiFi, plenty of tables to work at, copiers you can print to, and lots of books. I find that I get a lot more work done at the library than I do in my room. Though I suppose posting to my blog isn't really work, but with me here.
The only down side of the libraries here is that you have to leave your bag and jacket out in the foyer and you can't check out any books. Well at least you can't check them out from this library. From the main library you can check out books, but you usually have to order them ahead of time and then pick them up. I have yet to do that because I find it absurd.
Their organizational structure is also a little strange. They have all of the Romance language stuff in one area, the German stuff in another, etc... But it doesn't seem like there is any sort of numbering organization like the Library of Congress system. I feel like whatever the book is numbered here, it might be numbered something different elsewhere, but that may not be true. That may just be my sense of the situation. Anyway, it's two stories and I almost always go to the second floor because there are fewer people walking in and out, though the German books are downstairs.
Anyway....this has been a report from the library. Back to work....
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